Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Wacky Wednesday -- Back to Mussel Beach

BBC News
Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Mussel's first class sea return
A shellfish has been returned to the sea off the coast of Anglesey after being posted "home" from Shropshire.

The mussel had been picked up by five-year-old Alastair Thornton from Church Stretton whilst on holiday.

His mother contacted an Anglesey website asking for advice to save it . . .

1 comment:

KarinGal said...

You know, this happens all the time in Hawaii, I hear. Not with mollusks, of course, but with lava.

Local lore says that Pele, the goddess of fire, will curse anyone who takes lava -- or dried fire -- from the islands; it's kapu (forbidden) to do so. Many tourists disregard this and snatch a piece, anyway, only to find a pattern of bad luck accompanied their possession.

The department of tourism and Volcanic National Park rangers constantly receive packages in the mail with chunks of returned lava.