Saturday, November 03, 2007

Art Sports Online -- Layer Tennis

Layer Tennis -- A graphic design throw-down, roughly the equivalent of playing the dozens in Adobe Illustrator. An initial design is volleyed back and forth between two artists, each applying his or her own spin with each revision.

Commentary by Heather Armstrong of Art by Marian Bantjes and Armin Vit.

View the match at

Dia de los Muertos, A Celebration of Life through Day of the Dead

Cool glasses of water, flickering candles, and the aroma of marigolds welcome spirits of departed loved ones in Dia de los Muertos celebrations across Southern California this week. In celebration of their lives, family and friends create beautiful altars. Sugar skulls, rosary beads, and favorite foods are carefully displayed alongside old photographs and mementos.

A photographic sampling of San Diego's Sherman Heights Community Center's Dia de los Muertos celebration follows. To learn more, visit

(Click on any photograph to view full size.)

*Special thanks to Doris Villasenor of the Sherman Heights Community Center.

Friday, November 02, 2007

When Good Naps Go Bad

Goodbye mid-day oasis of serenity. Goodbye folding clothes without the helpful hands of a two-year-old, goodbye my private bathroom break, and goodbye to eating a meal uninterrupted.

At only 27-months, it seems the younger of my twin daughters has given up the nap for good. I've tried bed time stories, mid-day baths, and letting her "rest" instead of napping.

Rest is for sissies it seems.

"Done, done, done," she repeats after less than five minutes in her crib. And so it seems she is right. For us, nap time is done.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Winning Hearts and Minds Online

Chris Dodd's online campaign talks specifics, and it teaches voters how to talk specifics too.

When lead-tainted toys flooded the U.S. market, Dodd called for suspending all imports of toys from China and asked people to call on the President to protect children from unsafe Chinese imports.

Children don't vote or make campaign contributions, but moms, dads, and grandparents do. Dodd caught my attention with this move and holds it with timely, action-oriented emails.

Dodd's recent "Four Down, Six to Go" email names the members of the Judiciary Committee who have expressed opposition to any FISA bill that provides telecommunications companies retroactive immunity. Moreover, it asks readers to contact the remaining Judiciary Committee members and ask them to do the same. Names, telephone numbers, and a sample conversation are provided through the clickable link to the web site.

Even if Dodd doesn't become President, he has become a politician I respect.

It's NaBloPoMo. Let's Go!

For one crazy month, bloggers around the world participate in National Blog Posting Month. 30 days, 30 posts. Sheer madness. Visit here daily to chronicle a journey through NaBloPoMo.

Let's go!

To join the fun, visit and sign up.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007