Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wacky Wednesday -- Refrigerator Art, My Favorite Kind of Art

I would love to visit this coffee shop in New York featuring a silent auction of works by two young artists, ages 2 and 4.

from Refrigerator Art Maybe, but Buyers See Local Resonance
from The New York Times
Livingston Manor Journal
March 26

The work is of distinctive preschool character, much like the 28 other paintings on the mauve walls of the Peez Leweez coffee shop on Pearl Street, at the southern tip of the minuscule downtown in this picturesque hamlet abutting the Catskills. The artists are sisters who share a passion for pink and an odd taste for cookies paired with slices of ham and cheese.

The creator of the kitty-cat is Arley Foster, age 2. Ayla Foster, 4, favors colorful flowers and dolls with big heads. Their 29 oil, highlighter and crayon creations have fetched bids from $5 to $100 in a silent auction over the last month.

Click here to read the rest of the story on

1 comment:

Damselfly said...

Cute! I love it.