Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I May Not Be Too Cool For A Minivan After All

Upon taking a life inventory, I realize perhaps I am not too cool for a minivan after all.

Exhibit A

I badly, badly want a nifty apron just like this one, so much in fact that I bought this pattern to sew it myself. Total square.

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Exhibit B

Given the opportunity, I would dress my dogs in equally appealing apparel. Square, square, square.

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Exhibit C

All three of these items reside in my jewelry box. Hopelessly square.

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Exhibit D

This book is my idea of a good Valentine's Day present. Totally square.

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Exhibit E

Square from an early age type square.

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Minivan, I think, might actually enhance my coolness factor.

*Note - This is not intended to insinuate that people who drive minivans are not cool, only that my level of coolness is, eh-ehm, not a consideration.


Marine Wife said...

Hey, I always liked McCurdy. Besides, you are so-o cool! Minivan or no minivan.

Shannon said...

Oh don't get me wrong. McCurdy is great. That's who I interned for. I just think it's a little nerdy that these quarter centry old campaign buttons reside safely in my jewelry box while, for example, I have no idea where my high school class ring is.

After living in LA I'm a little jaded about celebrity and unimpressed by things like autographs and celebrity encounters, but my 25-year-old campaign paraphernalia, by God, now that's important.

Marine Wife said...

Clearly, politics is an important part of who you are! There's no telling what awful nerdy paraphernalia you'd find if you started rooting around my house. Hmm, on second thought, let's not go there...

OhTheJoys said...

breathe deeply, take my hand.

Let us embrace out inner mini vans.

Shannon said...

Embrace the inner mini van. I can see it coming toward me, with rays of light beaming behind it. Wait, I think that may be an angry trucker.